- Oferta pracy EURES - Irlandia

Experience SECURITY STAFF required for work in Ireland. Experience in Police or Army back round and training is required. The position is for a minimum of one year. Accommodation can be arranged for approx 50 euro per week. Airline flight costs to Ireland will be paid back to the people who get a job for us, to a max value of 150 euro per flight, after 3 months in employment with us. 7 euros per hour with a 40-45 hour to work week.
Cork is approx 200 km south of Dublin. Cork is the 2nd largest city in Ireland.
Minimum level of English.
3 years experience.
Must be available to start July / August.
Must be from an EU member state.
CV and include photo
The position is for a min of one year
Required full time experienced CHEF'S / COOK’S for busy Restaurant / Bar in Cork. Minimum 3 years experience as chef. The position is for a min of one year. 7 euros per hour with a 40-45 hour to work week Accommodation can be arranged for approx 50 euro per week. Airline flight costs to Ireland will be paid back to the people who get a job for us, to a max value of 150 euro per flight, after 3 months in employment with us.
Fluent English essential.
Must have 2 years experience.
Must be available to start July / August.
Must be from an EU member state.
CV and include photo.
The position is for a min of one year
Bar requires a full time WAITRESS / HOSTESS for busy bar / restaurant in Cork. Must be outgoing person, have a good manner and look the part. The position is for a min of one year. Accommodation can be arranged for approx 50 euro per week. Airline flight costs to Ireland will be paid back to the people who get a job for us, to a max value of 150 euro per flight, after 3 months in employment with us.
Cork is approx 200km south of Dublin. Cork is the 2nd largest city in Ireland
Fluent English essential.
Must have 2 years experience.
Must be available to start July / August.
Must be from an EU member state.
CV and include photo.
The position is for a min of one year
Guilt Edge Development a building company in Cork, Ireland has full time positions for all trades men with immediate start. Painters , Carpenters, Plasters, Brick Layers. 7 euros per hour with a 40-45 hour to work week. Accommodation can be arranged for approx 50 euro per week. Airline flight costs to Ireland will be paid back to the people who get a job for us, to a max value of 150 euro per flight, after 3 months in employment with us.
Minimum level of English. 3-4 years experience in trade is essential.
Must be available to start July / August.
CV and include photo.
Forward details of trade you work in.
Must be from an EU member state.
Dodatkowe informacje i wzory formularzy aplikacyjnych dostępne w PUP Bochnia, u p. Doroty Błoniarczyk, pok 17, I piętro.
OFERTA WAŻNA DO 12.07.2004
Rozmowy kwalifikacyjne z pracodawcę odbędą się w Warszawie w Hotelu Marriot w dniach 14 lub 15 lipca. Osoby zakwalifikowane do rozmów z pracodawcą zostaną poinformowane o szczegółach związanych ze spotkaniem rekrutacyjnym. Koszty podróży do Warszawy na rozmowy kwalifikacyjne ponoszone są indywidualnie przez kandydatów.
Autor: PUP Bochnia
Tagi: irlandia